First of all, I’ve got another interview up. This time around, I was interviewed by Peter Joseph Lewis at Why Did You Write That? Drop by and say hello.
And now for a couple of links:
At Eviscerati, Christopher Wright offers his view on KDP Select with a digression into the history of the indie music scene. Found via The Passive Voice.
In this thread on the Kindleboards, two international authors report that some of their books were suddenly blocked by Amazon, because it turned out after several months that those books were in an “unsupported” language, Russian and Romanian respectively. I find this very troubling, because it again shows that Amazon doesn’t particularly care about readers and writers outside its favoured countries.
But while Amazon is cracking down on authors daring to write in “unapproved” languages, they are far less proactive in stopping actual scammers and plagiarists. Dear Author reports of two cases of obviously plagiarized e-books for sale at Amazon.